Wind Power
Wind power is an excellent source of energy. It is an under utilised source of renewable energy. Wind Turbines capture wind energy and convert this to electrical energy, and is capable of producing electricity at any time of the day or night.
Wind Turbines need consistent wind speeds of around 7-8 metres per second on average to be a worthwhile investment. In order to assess the viability of purchasing a wind turbine, it is recommended that you set up an anemometer, this is device to measure wind speed. This give you specific data, so that you can track site specific data over a 12 month period.
For optimal conditions, turbines need to placed 10 metres above the nearest objects, please check with your local council what height recommendations they have related to Wind Turbines, whether you will need a permit.
A wind turbine will cost anywhere from $7,000 – $20,000 installed (depending on turbine capacity, tower type, site grounds works, etc). At GV Wind and Solar I definitely don’t recommend getting a cheaply manufactured turbine online, as these will only cause you frustrations.
Here are some of the benefits that can benefit you by installing small scale wind power set up in your homes.
The Ampair 600-230 is designed for connecting to 230V 50Hz grid systems operated by public utilities. It is ordinarily connected on the client's side of the electrical utility supply meter and is ideally connected into the consumer unit (fuse board). Electricity generated by the wind turbine is then used in preference to electricity supplied the public utility. If more electricity is required by the client then extra supply comes in from the utility, and if more is generated than is consumed on site then the surplus is exported to the utility.
Wind power system components:
Ampair 600 230V AC Grid Connect Wind Turbine
2 x 1m connection cables
Ampair 700 interconnect unit including Stop Switch and overload protection